2024 Sponsors

Social Hour Sponsor

Breakfast Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor

Golf Tourney Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor

Baseball Social Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor

Lunch Sponsor
Gold Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor
Sponsorship Packages
Platinum Level - $1,000
Recognition Highlights:​
1 Complimentary Conference Registration
4 Complimentary Golf Registrations
Company Logo featured on conference slideshow
Company Logo included on conference programs
Gold Level - $750
Recognition Highlights:​
4 Complimentary Golf Registrations
Company Logo featured on conference slideshow
Company Logo included on conference programs
Silver Level - $500
Recognition Highlights:​
2 Complimentary Golf Registrations
Company Logo featured on conference slideshow
Company Logo included on conference programs
Bronze Level - $250
Recognition Highlights:​
Company Logo featured on conference slideshow
Company Logo included on conference programs
Event Sponsorships
Golf Tourney - $2,000
Recognition Highlights:​
8 Complimentary Golf Registrations
2 Complimentary Conference Registration
Company Logo featured on conference slideshow
Company Logo included on conference programs
"Golf Tourney sponsored by (company name)"
Baseball & Networking - $800
Recognition Highlights:​
Recognition from the podium for your support
Company Logo featured on conference slideshow
Company Logo included on conference programs
"Baseball & Networking sponsored by (company name)"
Lunch - $600
Recognition Highlights:​
Recognition from the podium for your support
Company Logo featured on conference slideshow
Company Logo included on conference programs
"Lunch sponsored by (company name)"
Breakfast - $500
Recognition Highlights:​
Recognition from the podium for your support
Company Logo featured on conference slideshow
Company Logo included on conference programs
"Breakfast sponsored by (company name)"
We appreciate your support for the Kansas Civil Engineering Conference, where engineers will be provided with excellent opportunities to network and earn professional development hours from a variety of disciplines of civil engineering. Only one sponsor each will be taken for the Baseball Social, Lunch and Breakfast events. The conference committee will follow up at a later date regarding any complimentary registrations. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the conference.
To pay by check, please register utilizing the above botton. We will reach out regarding payment.